Friday 27 November 2015

Common Symptoms of an Eye Infection

Because there are so many types of eye infections, their symptoms can vary widely, and many of them can cause permanent damage if left untreated. Knowing the signs of an eye infection can help you decide when to seek treatment.

Discharge From the Eye

If you have viral conjunctivitis, commonly known as pink eye, you may notice water or mucous-colored discharge. Alternatively, bacterial conjunctivitis usually shows itself in the form of a thick white or green discharge.

Itching or Swelling

If your eye is itchy, red, swollen or feels as if something is stuck in it, you might have an infection. You might also experience pain, either from the infection itself or due to rubbing it excessively to get rid of the itching.

Sensitive or Blurry Vision

Being sensitive to bright lights or having blurry or double vision are also indicators of a possible infection. You might find that you are blinking more often than normal, too.

Other Symptoms

Other common symptoms that could indicate infection include:
• Crusty eyes
• Feeling like there's something in your eye
• Overproduction of tears

If you have been experiencing any of the above symptoms, you should make an appointment with an optometrist as soon as possible. To learn more about eye infection treatment in El Cajon, click here.

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